Some doctors call for medicinal marijuana to be more available to help with pain relief


With more people turning to medicinal cannabis to help with their pain, some doctors are calling for it to become more easily available, but not all medicos are on board, claiming the controversial treatment is not all its cracked up to be.

Australian Doctors Advocate for Increased Access to Medicinal Marijuana for Pain Relief

In a bid to provide more effective pain relief options, a growing number of Australian doctors are calling for medicinal marijuana to be made more accessible to patients. However, this stance is not without controversy in the medical community.

Medicinal cannabis has been increasingly recognised worldwide for its potential therapeutic benefits, particularly in pain management. Despite this, access to it in Australia remains relatively restricted, requiring patients to go through the Special Access Scheme or apply through an Authorised Prescriber.

A group of doctors, specialising in treating patients with medical cannabis, argue that the current regulatory framework is too restrictive and potentially prevents patients from accessing beneficial treatment. These doctors are advocating for changes to the system that would make medicinal marijuana more readily available to those who need it.

However, not all medical professionals agree. Some express caution, citing a lack of comprehensive research into the long-term effects of medicinal cannabis use.

Despite the ongoing debate, there is no denying the increasing demand for medicinal cannabis among patients. According to a study published in the Harm Reduction Journal, respondents reported using medical cannabis on an average of 15.8 days in the past month, primarily for pain relief.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the regulatory body for therapeutic goods in Australia, provides guidance on the use of medicinal cannabis but maintains that further research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits and risks.

This issue highlights the delicate balance between providing effective pain relief options for patients and ensuring their safety through thorough scientific research. As the debate continues, it will be crucial for regulatory bodies, healthcare providers, and patients to engage in open dialogue about the potential benefits and pitfalls of medicinal cannabis use in pain management.

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